How to avoid hijacking a Facebook account

How to avoid hijacking a Facebook account



Online Income - A friend of mine just had Facebook hacked into. Luckily, she got the person who did it to admit their guilt. She even had them on video! But that didn’t stop her from being terrified that her account would continue to be used for some awful purpose by this bad actor in the future. So I told her about a few things she could do to protect herself, and I wanted to share those things here because they might also help you.



The first step is to go to and click the down arrow on the top right of the page. Then select “settings”. Next, select "security" followed by "app passwords." Now you'll see a list of all the apps that can access your Facebook account. Find the one you want to block (most likely it will be an app like Tinder or Instagram) and click “block” at its bottom right corner (this may take some time).






You can check the information of your friends and make sure that no one is using the account of your friend. Just follow these steps:


Open Facebook on your browser, log into your account, and go to settings menu by clicking on “Account settings” in the upper right corner.


After that click on “Privacy” option from drop down list which will take you to next screen where all settings related to privacy are listed. Then click “View activity log” option under “Activity Log section” as shown below:




a. Remove apps you don't use

b. Remove apps you don’t trust

c. Remove apps that you don’t need

d. Remove apps you don’t understand or know how to use

e. Remove any app that doesn't get used frequently or at all

f. You might want to change your password and make sure you keep it safe.


A Facebook account is a valuable thing, and it can be a good idea to change your password if you suspect it might have been compromised. In addition to changing your password, however, you should also make sure that you keep it safe in the future by using strong passwords and two-factor authentication.


If your Facebook account gets hijacked for any reason, there are steps that you can take to regain control of it so that no one else can access your data or post anything on your behalf without permission (which would be really embarrassing). To do this, go into Facebook's Help Center page and click "I think my account was hacked," then follow the steps given there.


Always protect your password.


A strong password is the first step to avoiding hijacking. Here are some tips for creating one:


Use at least 20 characters. The longer it is, the harder it will be for someone else to guess your password.


Make sure no one else knows what your password is, including family members and close friends. Otherwise, they may be able to access your account if they get hold of your device or account information.


Don't write down the passwords you use online in any way that someone can find them (e.g., on a sticky note attached next to your computer). If someone finds these notes and gains access to them, they might use them as part of an attempt at hacking into websites that belong to you or other people with whom you share passwords (e.g., social media accounts).




But remember, you’re not the only one who should be protecting their Facebook account: your friends and family can also be targeted by hackers. That’s why it’s important to look for any signs of a hijacking on your own profile as well as theirs, especially if you share the same password. And if someone is trying to steal information from them, make sure they know how to stop it before they lose more than just their privacy!

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